X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

Before shared universes and serialized storytelling became commonplace, the superhero genre had its humble beginnings with Bryan Singer's 2000 blockbuster X-Men. And in the nearly two decades since that movie arrived in theaters, superhero flicks have risen to dominate the film industry, with certain installments going so far as to get award nominations in the process. The X-Men franchise is still going strong, although Disney and Fox's impending merger has the potential to change things forever.

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has worked on every single installment in the X-Men franchise, although she's poised to step down once Disney takes control of the property. While she's had an impressive career within the property, there's one X-Men movie that Donner never got around to producing: one with an all-female team. As she recently revealed:

I frankly wanted to see an X-Women movie. I didnt get it through. But I think that would be cool. I think not to have no guys in it, you have to have guys in it but to make instead of Charles and Magneto at the helm itll be whomever. Kitty Pryde and Illyana [Rasputin]. Something like that.

Is anybody else's FOMO going through the roof? It looks like Lauren Shuler Donner had thought out a pitch for an X-Woman movie, but it never actually came to fruition. And in the current climate of the superhero genre, that movie would probably resonate well with audiences. Too bad.

Lauren Shuler Donner's comments to Decider are sure to get a reaction from the generations of X-Men fans out there who are hoping that the femme fatales of the brand might become a larger role in the universe. While Storm, Jean, and Rogue were part of the original trilogy, they didn't always get the spotlight the same way that Wolverine, Professor X, or Magneto did. The same can also be said with the current timeline. Jennifer Lawrence has been given some great material as the new Mystique, but the First Class movies haven't been particularly female-centric.

Of course, that is set to change with Dark Phoenix. The upcoming blockbuster will be largely focused on Sophie Turner's Jean Grey, as she struggles with a dark power that takes control of her. Jennifer Lawrence is also set to reprise her role as Mystique, with Alexandra Shipp returning as Storm. While that movie's been pushed back a number of times, Dark Phoenix's very title shows how much the upcoming blockbuster will revolve around Jean.

While the X-Woman movie never came to fruition at 20th Century Fox, perhaps it's possible within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige has maintained that the mysterious Phase Four will feature more women, so a female X-Men movie doesnt seem out of the question. It could be a great way to bring the mutants into the MCU, while also appealing to calls of more on-screen inclusion.

Dark Phoenix is currently set to arrive in theaters on June 7th, so we have a while to wait before the flick is officially released. In the meantime, check out our full 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie Movies February 15, 2019 No Comments Before shared universes and serialized storytelling became commonplace, the superhero genre had its humble beginnings with Bryan Singer's 2000 blockbuster X-Men .
X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has worked on every single installment in the X-Men franchise, although she's poised to step down once Disney takes control of the property. While she's had an impressive career within the property, there's one X-Men movie that Donner never got around to producing: one with an all-female team .
X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

Share this: 6 hours ago Before shared universes and serialized storytelling became commonplace, the superhero genre had its humble beginnings with Bryan Singer's 2000 blockbuster X-Men. And in the nearly two decades since that movie arrived in theaters, superhero flicks have risen to dominate the film industry, with certain installments going
X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

There are seven films in the core X-Men series - not counting the Wolverine and Deadpool spin-offs - directed by four different directors: Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner, Matthew Vaughn, and now Simon Kinberg. "We've also never had a first time director on an X-Men movie," Kinberg goes on. "I really wanted to be as over-prepared as possible.
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Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has worked on every single installment in the X-Men franchise, although she's poised to step down once Disney takes control of the property. While she's had an impressive career within the property, there's one X-Men movie that Donner never got around to producing: one with an all-female team .
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An All-Female X-MEN Movie Was Pitched To Fox By A Longtime Franchise Producer Fox could've been ahead of the curve with an all-female X-Men film but rejected the pitch from producer Lauren Shuler
Associated Press AP - Page 491 - CelebeRazzi

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has worked on every single installment in the X-Men franchise, but there's one movie she never got around to making: X-Women. Subscribe To X-Men Producer Really
X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

Home Entertainment TV & Movies X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie. X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie but the First Class
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An All-Female X-MEN Movie Was Pitched To Fox By A Longtime

Subscribe To Disney Planning Live-Action Gargoyles Film Updates. X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie. Dark Phoenix Had By Far The Worst Opening For An X-Men Movie.

Poacher Forced To Repeatedly Watch Bambi As Part Of Prison Sentence

Poacher Forced To Repeatedly Watch Bambi As Part Of Prison Sentence

Bambi has a special place within cinematic history as Disney's fifth full-length feature film, and among the reasons it's endured within pop culture over the decades is that tragic scene where the eponymous protagonist's mother is killed by a hunter. Now this scene, and the movie overall, is being used as a punishment for a poacher who also has a history of gunning down deer.

As reported by Springfield News-Leader, four members of a southwest Missouri family were apprehended as part of a years-long poaching case where hundreds of deer were illegally killed. One of the defendants, David Berry Jr., has been sentenced to one year in jail for after pleading guilty to taking wildlife illegally, and he'll serve that sentence in addition to 120 days for a felony firearms probation violation. But along with all that, Berry Jr. must also watch Bambi once per month over his year-long jail sentence, with the first viewing being held on or before December 23 of this year.

Apparently this case was so "egregious" (it's been described as one of Missouri's largest cases of deer poaching) that Lawrence County Judge Robert George felt that David Berry Jr. needed something a little extra beyond the standard prison sentence and paying fines. So starting this month and for nearly all of 2019, Berry Jr. will have to endure repeated viewings of Bambi to hammer home the error of his ways. Why the other defendants weren't forced to watch Bambi is unclear. If they were all guilty of killing deer, I might have just had them all in on this monthly viewing event.

The death of Bambi's mother is enough of a tearjerker for regular moviegoers, so I won't be including that clip within this article. We've been traumatized enough. Still, I wonder if having to watch Bambi once per month will have a meaningful impact on this man or if it will just be a minor inconvenience among serving prison time and paying all those fines. Regardless, one would hope that once his time has been served, he won't go anywhere near a deer ever again.

As far as Bambi goes, it celebrated its 75th anniversary last year, and in 2011 was added to the Library of Congress' National Film Registry. The movie's hunter, who's identified simply as "Man," was also placed 20th on the American Film Institute's list of 100 Heroes and Villains. Like a lot of fellow animated Disney movies, Bambi got its own direct-to-video follow-up: 2006's Bambi II, although rather than being a proper sequel, it's set within the events of Bambi. There's no word yet on if Bambi will also be treated to a live action adaptation, although that strikes me as something that would be put on the Disney+ streaming service as opposed to being theatrically released.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for all the latest in movies news, including what Disney has coming up. If you're curious about what's hitting the big screen next year, look through our 2019 release schedule.

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Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU

Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU

Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman is at an end, and while he never got a solo film to strut his stuff, the actor has given audiences more awesome Batman moments than some actors who have. For those suspicious of that statement, or others simply wishing to relive the best moments of his time wearing the cowl in the DC Extended Universe, here are Affleck's seven best Batman moments in chronological order.

Batman Runs Towards The DestructionOne of Ben Affleck's first scenes as Batman is perhaps his coolest, as Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice showed Man of Steel's battle in Metropolis from an alternate point of view. Bruce Wayne spots the destruction and mayhem going on in the distance, and despite him being out of harm's way, he gets in his car and drives towards the destruction for a closer look.

That much was expected, because he is Batman after all, but what follows really takes it over the top. Bruce continues to delve further into the chaos and in harm's way, despite the fact that none of his Batman gear is on hand. He does what he can to help the victims of the collapsed building, which isn't much. Though he doesn't do a lot, the scene is a perfect show of Batman's want to help others and protect humanity.

Batman Scares A Rookie CopFear is a big part of how Batman operates, and while he's a good guy, he's also scary as hell. Batman films have generally been good about showing this, although it's usually through the lens of villains. This changed in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice when a rookie cop heads off in search of The Dark Knight after learning he's on the second floor.

The young cop panics upon spotting Batman and begins firing wildly out of fear. Afterward, he explains to his colleague that he's never seen him in person, as if to justify almost killing him. The scene is especially excellent over similar Batman scenes as it shows the hero is not just a figure feared by criminals. A hero who operates on fear could decide only to intimidate criminals with his presence, but it probably works better when everyone is afraid.

Batman's Showdown With SupermanIt's the cinematic event the world waited a long time to see and, for the most part, it didn't disappoint. Unfortunately, the "Martha" scene has somewhat tarnished the legacy of what was one of Batman v Superman's best fight scenes, and one of the best the DCEU has done in general. Who would've thought with the way that fight started that it would be Batman ultimately deciding whether Superman lived or died?

The movie did a great job of making it seem like Batman's extensive preparation for the battle was a big waste of time. The first two and a half minutes are just him getting blasted back as Superman tears through his traps with little struggle. Then, Bats hits him with the Kryptonite grenade, and one has to wonder if that wasn't all part of a plan to convince Supes to lower his guard for that attack that turned the tables.

Batman Tears Through A WarehouseOnce Batman and Superman bond over the shared name of their mothers, Bruce hauls ass to a warehouse where Clark's mother is being held hostage by criminals hired by Lex Luthor. This leads to what may be the best fight sequence in the DCEU to date, as Batman tears through a large room of armed assassins using a mixture of gadgets and hand-to-hand combat. It's chaotic, brutal, gritty and Batman at his finest.

Which makes it all the more devastating that Ben Affleck's Batman never got a solo movie. Imagine a feature that's a mix of the stealth and the action of the warehouse fight. There's no way a movie like that is getting panned, regardless of how many times characters name drop "Martha." Granted, DC might still keep that type of Batman in The Batman, but the fact that it won't be Batfleck behind the cowl already makes it a bit disappointing.

Batman Chases Joker And HarleyBatman didn't get a lot of time in Suicide Squad, but he sure made what little screen-time he was given counted. Ben Affleck is first seen confronting Deadshot in front of his daughter, and then later he's chasing down Harley and Joker on the Gotham City streets. The Dark Knight starts the journey in the Batmobile, but for some reason ultimately decides going to the roof is the better play.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, but it looks cool as hell. Plus, Batman has a reason for everything, so who can really say staying in the highly armored car was the optimal strategy as opposed to dodging bullets on top of a purple Vaydor? Whatever his reasons, Batman was able to save Harley because he was out of the car. Side note, it's a shame those two probably won't get to discuss that kiss she snuck post rescue.

Batman Battles The ParademonBatman fights a ton of Parademons in Justice League, but the coolest of these tussles sees him using a would-be thief as bait to lure the first seen Parademon out. What's even crazier is that Bruce doesn't decide to view this thing from a distance or throw a patented Bat-tracking device on the beast. Instead, he takes a running start off the ledge, tackles the hell-spawn midair and goes flying with it into the night.

It's such a wild scene, while at the same time so Batman. The Caped Crusader recognized a threat, devised a way to get a closer look and then did what had to be done. Wonder Woman and Superman may have been able to do it quicker, and with far less effort, but Bruce's humanity only makes the whole thing even more badass. Again, it's a shame we couldn't see more of Batfleck doing stuff like this in a solo movie.

Batman Inspires The FlashThe cinematic Batman has never been much for monologues, but he's had a handful of memorable lines in his various films. One of the better ones from recent memory came from Justice League, when Bruce was forced to come up with some words of wisdom for a rattled Barry Allen. Bruce had to choose his words carefully with The Flash, or risk losing The Fastest Man Alive to an anxiety attack.

Luckily, he found some, and "save one" proved to do the job just fine. Flash managed to shake off his anxiety enough to do the job, and Batman was able to continue saving the day without another hero tapping on his shoulder and asking what he should be doing. It's one of Batman's best speeches of Ben Affleck's whole tenure, although maybe we shouldn't say that in the freak chance the Snyder Cut gets released.

So what was the best Batfleck moment from this group? Be sure to cast a vote in the poll or drop down to the comments and talk about a pivotal scene that we may have missed. For more info on The Batman, read up on what the franchise's new game plan is post-Affleck.

Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU

After many months of speculation, Ben Affleck is officially out as Batman and the news only further reminds us of how the DCEU wasted such mighty potential. It's been all but confirmed for many months now that Affleck would not be returning to the DCEU as the Dark Knight.

Justice League star Ben Affleck has officially stepped down as the DCEU's Batman and we're now taking a look at his ten best moments as the Caped Crusader along with five we (and he) would rather
The DCEU Wasted Ben Affleck's Batman (& His Other Skills)

The one relationship that Batman has always had is with his trustee right-hand man, Alfred. While it is not a huge part of the Affleck films, the interplay between him and Jeremy Irons as Alfred is a highlight of each of the films. RELATED: 5 Reasons Ben Affleck Had to Quit Batman (& 5 Reasons He Should've Stayed In DCEU)
Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU

Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU. 01 Feb 2019. 20 Comments Off on Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU.
Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU - YouTube

Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman is at an end, and while he never got a solo film to strut his stuff, the actor has given audiences more awesome Batman moments than some actors who have. For those
Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU - 247

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Ben Affleck's 5 Best Moments As Batman (And His 5 Worst)

Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman is at an end, and while he never got a solo film to strut his stuff, the actor has given audiences more awesome Batman moments than some actors who have. For those suspicious of that statement, or others simply wishing to relive the best moments of his time wearing the cowl in the DC Extended Universe, here are
Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU

Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman is at an end, and while he never got a solo film to strut his stuff, the actor has given audiences more awesome
Ben Affleck's 10 Best Moments As The DC Extended Universe's

Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman is at an end, and while he never got a solo film to strut his stuff, the actor has given audiences more awesome Batman moments than some actors who have. For those suspicious of that statement, or others simply wishing to relive the best moments of his time wearing the cowl in the DC Extended Universe, here are
Ben Affleck's 7 Best Batman Moments In The DCEU

Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman is at an end, and while he never got a solo film to strut his stuff, the actor has given audiences more awesome Batman moments than some actors who have. For those suspicious of that statement, or others simply wishing to relive the best moments of his time wearing the cowl in the DC Extended Universe, here are
Ben affleck's 7 best Batman moments in the DCEU | Yeah1 Online